Our reasearch experts help you address compliance issues, create questions that support equity, and increase response rates via development, consulting, and the right delivery for the right audience.

Managing a survey can be a challenging undertaking. The survey professionals at AXIS can help. We provide a full range of services that can either support your current team or handle the entire project on your behalf.

  • Drive Accountability: In some circumstances, you can be conducting research or a survey as a result of a legal need. Even though you are aware of the legislation, you might not be able to design a survey that conforms. Our specialists in survey development and design can make sure that your survey adheres to best practices.
  • Provide Equity: Equity is delivered by Universal Design from the very beginning. Your survey’s results will be more fair and balanced the more people you ask to participate. We create surveys that take vision, dexterity, and other ability considerations into account, enable technical equity via a variety of online and offline delivery channels, prevent racial, gender, or other prejudice issues, and adhere to ADA regulations.
  • Increase Response Rates: With regards to delivery choices, your respondents come from a variety of generations. Don’t you think it would be good if your survey met people where they are? We offer a variety of delivery methods, such as mobile, online, paper, moderated survey options like focus groups and other in-person events, as well as multi-channel delivery solutions.

Why AXIS Meta Survey Services?

Experience and Expertise

  • Independent research firm with 10 years of experience and expertise
  • Expertise in creating questions to support compliance, equity, and increased response rates
  • AXIS Meta carefully listens to your needs and guides your research and data collection

Flexible Delivery

  • Mobile forms collect data from respondents on-the-go
  • Online forms speed up response time for the internet-savvy
  • Paper forms make it easy for traditional respondents to reply
  • Moderated surveys add the human touch with a phone or in-person approach

Supplement Your Team or Outsource It All

Axis Meta provides solutions to meet the requirements of your research goals. We are a partner—we can complete the entire project or supplement your team

Full-Service Solution Provider

  • In-house multi-methodologies, data collection, reporting, research analysts on staff, and tenured project managers
  • Axis provides guidance for all phases of the project from initial design to results-driven action plans




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